Why It's Important for Children with Autism to Practice Therapy Skills at Home

a child with autism  using an adaptive communication  device
Learn why it's important for children with autism to practice the skills and activities they learn in therapy at home, and discover some specific activities you can do with your child to reinforce their progress. With consistent practice, your child can make great progress in their development and success!
March 12, 2023

Children with autism often receive therapy to help them develop their social, emotional, and cognitive skills. While therapy can be effective, it's important to remember that progress doesn't just happen during the time spent with a therapist or at . It's crucial for children with autism to practice the skills and activities they learn in therapy at home, too. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Repetition is key to learning: Just like with any new skill, repetition is essential for children with autism to improve. Practicing at home reinforces what they learn in therapy and helps them build new habits and improve their skills.
  2. Consistency is important: Consistency is key when it comes to building new habits and improving skills. By practicing the same activities at home that they do in therapy, children with autism can make faster progress.
  3. Generalization to real-life situations: Practicing skills and activities at home can help children with autism generalize those skills to real-life situations outside of therapy. This is important for helping them apply what they've learned to different contexts.
  4. Empowering parents: Practicing therapy skills at home can empower parents to be more involved in their child's therapy and progress. This can help parents feel more confident in their ability to support their child's development.

Activities to Practice at Home

If your child is receiving therapy, ask their therapist for specific activities to practice at home. Here are some examples of activities that children with autism can do at home to reinforce skills learned in therapy:

  1. Social skills: Practice taking turns, sharing, and playing with others. Play games that require turn-taking, like Candy Land or Chutes and Ladders.
  2. Communication skills: Practice using social cues, like eye contact and body language, during conversations. Play "Simon Says" to practice following directions and using language to communicate.
  3. Sensory skills: Experiment with different textures, smells, and tastes. Encourage your child to touch and explore different materials, like sand or Play-Doh.
  4. Fine motor skills: Practice cutting, drawing, and tracing. Provide opportunities for your child to use different utensils, like scissors or markers, to improve their fine motor skills.
  5. Gross motor skills: Encourage physical activity, like running, jumping, and climbing. Play games that require movement, like tag or hide-and-seek.

Remember, it's important to make practicing therapy skills at home a fun and engaging experience for your child. Incorporate activities that your child enjoys, and be patient and supportive as they learn and grow. With consistent practice, your child can make great progress in their development and success!